
Air Travel during Pregnancy: Top 3 Action Points

As long as there are no identified complications for which you have been suggested rest by your gynecologist, it is generally safe to travel during pregnancy. Second trimester is generally the ideal time to travel during pregnancy as you have moved past the morning sickness of first trimester and several weeks away from the fatiguing third trimester.

Take the top 3 action points to travel safe and easy during your pregnancy

  1. Check for travel notifications before finalizing your travel plan:
    • Beware of epidemic like Zika, and take proper precautions
    • Schedule an appointment with your doctor; share the travel itinerary and prepare with list of medicines and vaccines as per the advice
  2. Try before you fly:
    • Check with the airlines about till which week you will be allowed to fly. It will vary for single pregnancy or twins
    • Take in writing from your doctor your pregnancy week and you are allowed to fly
  3. Note Down Every detail:
    • Note down the details of the hospitals and doctors of the destination you are flying to. This should include all emergency numbers stored in your phone as well as noted down in paper in your hand bag (this will come in handy if you lose your phone or it is out of battery)
    • Keep sufficient supply of all medications you need along with you and note down the list of medications as well; this will help in case you lose your medicine box or the bag
    • Note down the health and travel insurance policy number and additional requirements if any

If you follow these basic travel guidelines you can embark on a hassle free trip and concentrate on the business in hand. Also it would definitely ensure that you can travel safe and comfortably.

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