
5 Fast Foods to avoid during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time when you have to care not only for your health but for the health of your growing fetus as well. Pregnant women should avoid foods that have trans-fatty acids, which are present in almost all hydrogenated vegetable oils (common oil used for cooking).

Trans-fatty acids affect the cardiovascular system and they have also adverse effects on the growth of the fetus1.  They compete with the transport of the essential fatty acids from the mother to the fetus. So the fetus gets less of the essential fatty acids when the mother consumes a lot of trans-fatty acids2.  This may lead to hampered growth of the baby and complications later in life.

Top 5 popular fast foods which are fried in hydrogenated vegetable oils and hence should be avoided by pregnant women:


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Instead of the above fried fast food items, it is better to go for non-fried snacks like Idli, Vada Pav, Poha and Upma, but that too preferably cooked at home.

Eat healthy for a happy pregnancy !



  1. Kabaran, S., & Besler, H. T. (2015). Do fatty acids affect fetal programming? Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition, 33, 14. http://doi.org/10.1186/s41043-015-0018-9
  2. Campbell, F.M., Gordon, M.J. & Dutta-Roy, A.K. Mol Cell Biochem (1996) 155: 77. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00714336

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